Resources: Generators


Abulafia is a collection of user-contributed random generators housed within a special kind of wiki. That means you can use the pages here to get interesting random names, treasure, plots, and anything else you need. If you think the results could use a little more imagination, click the 'edit' tab at the top of the page and add a few more choices to the mix.

Apocalypse Fuel

A brainstorming tool for the role-playing game Apocalypse World; intended for the use of MCs, it generates brief concepts and apocalypse-barf names for NPC gangs and other communities, as well as names and simple hooks for NPCs.

Apocalypse World NPC Generator

Quickly generate 95 AW NPCs, with or without Complications. Code by As If Productions. Based on a script by Louis with additions by Philomorph. Names taken from the Apocalypse World character playbooks.


Random Generators for Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, Call of Cthulhu, and Random Dungeon/Cavern Adventures

Archivist Elements

An appealing and responsive set of trad fantasy randomizers for Characters, Items, Merchants, Plothooks, Regions, Settlements, and Weather.

Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator

Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator is a free open source tool which procedurally generates fantasy maps for entire planets. You may use auto-generated maps as they are, edit them or even create a new map from scratch. Check out the quick start tutorial and project wiki for guidance.

Chaotic Shiny

A generator site aimed at people who write, game, or live in fantasy worlds of their own creation. Grappling with writer's block? Need a character on the fly? Party just walked into a tavern and you want it to be a little more exciting than normal? Want to flesh out a setting with some detailed religions? Chaotic Shiny is the site for you.

Character portrait app

Describe and the app will render an image of your character.


Create, manage, find random tables and generators. Includes SWN, etc.


An impressive collection of RPG Tools and Random Generators. Categories include General, Fantasy, AD&D, d20/Fantasy, Microlite20, Pathfinder, D&D 4e, D&D 5e, Weird Fiction, and Science Fiction.


A spherical Planet Generator with many terrain settings, including Detail Level, Tectonic Plate Count, Oceanic Rate, Heat Level, and Moisture Level.

Factions for SF or Fantasy

Sometimes you need to brainstorm a number of factions for a quick setting, like a new town or region. This random faction generator creates 1-10 groups complete with motives, tactics, secrets and weaknesses. It can be used for either Science Fiction or Fantasy worlds. Take it for a spin!

Fantasy Name Generator

Fantasy Name Generator can generate an endless number of random names (of people, places, or anything) that would be suitable for use in a fantasy setting. It can generate names on its own, or you can tell it what kind of name you're looking for.

Gift of Gabes' generators list

A ragtag of everything imaginable for your strangest random generator needs.

Inspiration Pad Online

Here you'll find a number of random generators that you can use as inspiration for your campaign or fiction. Categories include Names, Treasures, Encounters, NPCs, and more.

Instant Game

Instant Game is a tool for creating and playing new RPG settings and plots on the spot.

Junkyard Internet

Deadlands Survivor Settlement Generator, good for many post-apocalyptic scenarios

PieceWise generators

Drugs, cults, magical girls, etc.: you name it, they've got it. Always a little crazy, a little dark.

Random generators

This one works, the other gives an error 404. What it says on the tin and a list of generators you can pick at - cough - random.

Random Generators

Huge list of Random Generators & Random Tables for your Random Pleasure.

Random Sword & Sorcery Adventure Generator

For use with any traditional fantasy role-playing game.

RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. Numbers, strings, lists, maps, music, and more!


Names, treasure, encounters, NPCs... Here you'll find a number of random generators that you can use as inspiration for your campaign or fiction!

Seventh Sanctum

Random Generators of ideas, from story concepts to science fiction weapons to silly spells. Wide variety of genres.

SWN Sector Generator

Designed for use with "Stars Without Number" by Sine Nomine Publishing, this generator creates a sector and populates it with worlds, NPCs, corps, politics, religions and aliens.

Terrain Generator Wheel

A deceptively simple and pleasant-looking method for determining randomly-generated terrain.

Vulgar - A Language Generator

Vulgar is a constructed language (conlang) generator for fantasy fiction writers and role players that creates unique and usable languages for your race of peoples in the click of a button.

Watabou generating apps

RAndomly generated : land city village mansion dungeon